Friday, April 12, 2013

DIY Acne Mask Using Green Tea

Here's an easy, homemade mask to improve acne or discolouration of the skin.

The main ingredients of this mask is Green Tea and Honey. The green tea will has antioxidants that will improve any acne scars and purify the skin. The honey will act as a moisturising agent to leave skin soft as well as brighten your complexion. Its so easy it'll literally take you 5 minutes to make!


- Handful of Porridge Oats (Brand doesn't have to be the same)
- Half a cup of freshly made Green Tea
- Heaped Tablespoon of Honey

 First add about a handful of porridge oats into your bowl, the oats will absorb the moisture from the tea and honey so the mask is easily applicable.

Then add a heaped tablespoon of honey, the purer the honey the better for your skin.

Then add half a cup of freshly made green tea to the mixture and mix. Once you have let the mask set for about 1/2 minutes it should look something like this. I know its not a very pretty sight but apply and leave on for about 10/20 minutes, wash off and repeat once a week.

You will see a difference!!

How did this mask work for you? Know any other easy DIY masks?
Comment below and let me know your thoughts.


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